Day 3 – Paris at Leisure

Day 3 – Paris at Leisure

For those seeking a dose of retail therapy, venture into the elegant Faubourg Saint-Honoré district, renowned for its upscale boutiques and designer stores. Stroll along its chic streets, reveling in the allure of high fashion and luxurious finds. Alternatively, surrender to the unhurried pace of the locals and savor the essence of Parisian life. Find respite in a charming café, where you can savor a steaming café au lait, accompanied by a delectable toasted baguette or a buttery croissant.

As the sun begins to set, set your sights on the bohemian neighborhood of Montmartre, an enclave that has long captivated the hearts of artists and dreamers. During the mid to late 1800s, Montmartre became a haven for creative souls seeking inspiration. Visionaries such as Pissarro and Jongkind were among the first to make this neighborhood their home, paving the way for a succession of notable artists, including Edgar Degas, Henri Matisse, Toulouse-Lautrec, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Pablo Picasso.

Embrace the evening’s allure as you embark on an enchanting illumination tour, allowing Paris to reveal why it is aptly known as the “City of Light.” Witness the city’s architectural wonders and iconic landmarks aglow in a mesmerizing display of lights. Marvel at the illuminated Eiffel Tower, which stands tall and proud against the night sky, casting a radiant glow upon the Seine River. Allow yourself to be enchanted by the romantic ambiance that Paris effortlessly exudes, and create unforgettable memories amidst its luminous embrace.

Accommodations: Renaissance Arc de Triomphe hotel (or similar) (Breakfast)