Day 11 – Bucharest

Day 11 – Bucharest

As our tour nears its conclusion, we bid farewell to the captivating stories and head back to Bucharest, carrying with us the allure of the past and the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic Vlad Dracula.

Our next stop takes us to the serene Snagov Monastery, dating back to 1364, gracefully situated on a tiny island in a serene lake just beyond Bucharest’s reach. Once again, the legacy of Vlad the Impaler is intertwined with this place. Within the monastery’s fortified walls and dungeon, the world-known count’s presence is commemorated by a plaque marking the presumed location of his remains.

To mark your last night in Bucharest, we invite you to a memorable farewell dinner at one of the city’s most promising up-and-coming restaurants. Here, you’ll indulge in a delightful fusion of traditional and modern cuisine, a deliciously overwhelming experience that encapsulates the essence of Romania’s rich culinary heritage. As you savor each bite, you’ll cherish the memories of your enthralling journey through the legendary lands of Transylvania and beyond.

Accommodations:  Hotel Lido (Breakfast, Dinner)