

Greymouth is the chief commercial centre for the West Coast. The town is a river port where a stone breakwater directs the rough action of the tide and river to the river bar. The town was founded on gold, and continued on coal. Now, however, the main trade is timber, offset by sheep/dairying and cattle raising. The town takes its name from its river, the Grey. Greymouth also has an unusual wind phenomenon – a katabatic wind which is a movement of cold air down a steep slope (the Southern Alps). This wind which starts as a mild breeze at the top of the range, emerges at the town’s centre as “The Barber”, a wind that feels like the cold steel of a barber’s razor blade, and just as cutting
After arriving in Greymouth we visit the popular Montieths Brewery. Monteith’s Brewing Company Ltd | World Famous Monteith’s Brewery Tour Nearly 150 years brewing experience, Monteith’s Brewing Company has become recognized as the leader in the New Zealand craft beer market. You will be guided through the traditions and heritage of the brewing establishment. Experience and taste the ever changing and innovative brews; some of which are exclusively produced and sold by brewers at Monteith’s Brewing Company.
Accommodations – Kingsgate Hotel Greymouth